Karsh/Hagan Does Colorado Proud

These spots for Colorado Tourism Office done by Karsh/Hagan will give you goose bumps even if you have never been to Colorado…which I believe is the point. Beautifully done and not cheesy like so many state tourism commercials we see. I know most Coloradans won’t see all these ads, but I hope they stumble across at least one and are reminded of the great state we live in. I think the state tourism board couldn’t have chosen a better agency to bring this together for them.

I’m excited to hear in the following months, as we enter summer and then ski season in the winter, how these ads impacted our tourism numbers. Awesome job K/H.



Anne is a Dog cuddling, craft making, cuisine sampling, rugby loving, mountain climbing, house DIYing, party planning, social media specializing Colorado Girl.

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